
Field Craft

   Field Craft-

Fieldcraft is the art by which the soldier can use all the resources of the land, uses artificial and natural in such a way that it can cause maximum harm to the enemy with its minimum power.


Any composition of land; like, mound, wall, ruins, broken land etc. The one which provides protection from enemy’s sight and fire is called cover.

Types of Cover

1.     Cover from view-

             The shapes who avoid the sight of the enemy; Like – herbs or vegetation or the cover of     broken ground.

2.     Cover from fire-

             The shape who protects from enemy’s fire and sight; Like – Wall, big tree etc. Use cover to the soldier thoughtfully and carefully should do.




Principles of Cover

The following principles of beneficial use of cover: –

1-     As far as possible see from inside the cover and not from above.

2-     If it is not possible to see through the cover, then look from the side of the cover.

3-     stay away from the horizon.

4-     Things that make noise should not be kept with you.

5-     Movement should be slow and careful when changing positions.


Characteristics of cover

The following are the features of the cover: –

1- Be safe from enemy sight and fire.

2- Comfortable.

3- Provides a covered area for forward viewing.

4- Covered access road.

5- Can be fired all around.

6- Cover should not be near any prominent place.



During the war, the soldier has to use different types of tricks to avoid the sight of the enemy.

Movements are divided into two parts: –

1.      Movement without weapon.

2.      Movement with arms.


How are Things Seen?
1.     Shape
2.     Shade
3.     Surface
4.     Spacing
5.     Sithouette
6.     Movement

To hide oneself behind natural scenes or figures in such a way as to avoid the sight and fire of the enemy, is called concealment. The main purpose of concealment in war is to attack or defend yourself from cover.


It is an art, which is concealed using artificial objects.

Following are the main principles of camouflage: –

1.      Change gross by erasing brightness and outline.

2.      Use shadow.

3.      Avoid horizon line.

4.      Go slow.

5.      Hidden in the colour of the surrounding land.

6.      Do not act unnecessarily.

7.      Don’t let your shadow fall in the water.

8.      Change camouflage items according to time status.


Judging Distance

Different weapons have different range. So, to fire the right place of each weapon, it is necessary that we know the distance between ourselves and the one who is firing.

Following are the methods of finding the distance: –

1.      Unit Method

2.      Appearance Method

3.      Bracketing Method

4.      Section Average Method

5.      Key Range Method

6.      Harving Method



Recognition, Description and Indication of Targets

It is very important to tell the ground marks and other things to the soldiers in the battlefield.

So that the soldier can fire at the right place on the command of the commander. But there can be many objects of the same aggregate in one place, which makes it more difficult to identify the target. Before indicating the target, information is given regarding the land and section of the target and its famous marks etc.

land description-

1.      Force ground      300 yards

2.      Middle ground    500 yards

3.      Distance                500+ yards

Type of land-

1.      Flat ground

2.      Low ground

3.      High ground

4.      Dead ground

5.      Slope ground

6.      Broken ground